Friday, April 10, 2009

I wish the sickness would go away!

I haven't been on blogging much lately due to Sami being sick for 3 weeks. She started out with a fever and cough. I took her to the doctor and she had an ear infection and pneumonia. I had to take her to the hospital for tests but we did get to come home on meds and breathing treatments. Great! She starts to get a little better then she starts throwing up and diarrhea. I let this go on for 3 or 4 days and I take her back to the doctor. Doctor does a urine test to see if she is dehydrated which she was only a little bit so we get to go home and push fluids. She really hadn't eaten in 3 weeks and looks like she's lost about 5lbs. I feel so bad for her. Every time we think she is feeling better something happens and she gets sick again. So here we are 3 1/2 weeks later and she is still complaining her tummy hurts and she is still isn't eating a whole lot but she is eating. Hopefully she is on her way to being 100%. Lord knows I'm ready for her not to sick anymore.