Thursday, May 7, 2009

Blended Bliss

Sorry it has been so long since my last post but as you can imagine our house has been super busy. Two kids in baseball, one kid working, 4 in dance and getting ready for a recital, and the end of the school year.

So what has been going on in our blended house? Well we have now had 2 kids suspended from school for 3 days for fighting. First it was Brennan cause this kid kept calling him names and now Emerson for starting a fight with a kid who was calling him names. I'll tell you what is up with these boys and name calling turn punching. As I have tried to explain to them people are going to call them names from now til the day they day and they can't fight everyone that calls them a name. But I guess boys will be boys. I hope they learn their lesson. I in no way am ok with them fighting but I am sick of kids calling them names but I sure wish they would not fight in school. Emerson's fight got him 4 stiches in the lip. He might be done fighting I'm sure he won't want to get stiches again. My two little fighters. What am I going to do with them?

Well, I will be sure to post soon. We have all the kids this weekend so I'm sure there will be some action going on that I will need to vent about.

1 comment:

  1. At least they are sticking up for themselves and not letty the bully win. :)
