Thursday, March 12, 2009

Streching a Dollar

Well as you can imagine with 7 kids our grocery bill is out of control. So a few weeks ago I decided that since we only have one income we need to start saving where we can. Now I obviously can't change much about our living expenses other then telling the kids 1000 times a day to turn off the lights so I decided that I am going to become a coupon crazed momma. I had seen briefly on some talk show about the coupon mom who can go into a store and get over $100 in groceries for $30 and I figure if she can do so can I. I clipped coupons before here and there but never saved more then a few bucks in one trip. So I just typed coupons in my search engine and 100s of sites pop up. So I just start researching and boy did I learn alot. It is amazing how many sites there are about coupons and how to save the most money. I am addicted to finding coupons and saving money. There are moms out there that are saving more then half off their grocery bill. So my goal is by summer to have my grocery bill cut in half.

What I've Learned To Get the Most Savings: I learned to print coupons from the internet. There are a ton of great sites. I found out that I can use more then 1 coupon for an item. I never knew that. How great is that?! On you can find the weekly ads for stores in your area and compare shop to get the most out of the store sales and coupons you have. The greatest thing I learned is that you can get coupons on ebay. I got over 400 coupons for $6 and over 300 of those coupons are food and drink coupons. Just search "100 coupons" on ebay and over 29 pages came up. I got 100 coupons for $1.50 free shipping. I can't wait to get all my coupons in the mail this week.

My Latest Grocery Trip: Now since I'm new to the coupon craze this is my first trip to the store where I used a bunch of coupons. I went to Kroger and saved $128 in coupons and my Kroger Plus card, on my receipt it said that was a 40% savings.

I may not get up in the morning and put on a suit. I may not collect a paycheck from a boss that I can deposit in the bank on Friday. But I do have a full-time job, I am a mom of 7 who is the accouantant of The Camp-Robins House, and I have to make that check that my husband does collect go as far as possible.

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